The Everly Spa educates that caring for the skin can be done in 3 simple steps. Following the natural process of the body and applying it to skincare, this simple holistic ritual will enable your skin to essentially ‘cleanse, eat and drink’, imparting optimal health and lasting beauty. Your 3 steps should be customized to your elemental balance and you should consider an ingredient consultation.
Cleanse. Nourish. Moisturize.

Everyone is different and I do not believe in a one-size-fits–all approach to skincare. However, masks and eye creams provide additional concentrated nutrition for the skin and help you obtain that extra little something that can make you look and feel radiant.

There are subtle changes in your elements throughout each season, as we age and even within every hour of the day. Therefore it is important to reassess your skincare products, especially on a seasonal basis.
There are three Ayurvedic seasons, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which coincide with climatic changes. Each of these climatic changes brings about similar types of changes in all of us.
For example, from October through mid-February is Vata season. So, even if Vata is not your primary dosha, we are all prone to Vata imbalances, becoming dry or dehydrated, feeling scattered or having irregularities in sleep and digestion. We should change our products to help balance these various manifestations and stay in tune with nature’s rhythm.